Different Kinds of Jobs in the Oil and Gas Industry

Different Kinds of Jobs in the Oil and Gas Industry

The oil and gas industry is a diverse business with plenty of job opportunities. One of the great things about this field of work is that it provides good pay, you can find work just about anywhere, and it’s interesting. There are various positions to choose from, and we’ll explore a few of the jobs in the oil and gas industry below.

Drilling Engineer

Drilling engineers often work for multinational companies that extract and produce oil and gas. Their job is to maintain and analyze drilling wells. They also ensure workers are following safety measures. A few other duties may include ensuring operations stick to their budgets, overseeing oil rig staff, and solving technical issues regarding drilling equipment.

Rig Manager

Rig managers manage and oversee oil rig operations. They ensure staff is following appropriate drilling procedures and policies. Rig managers will follow employees from rig to rig and make sure all maintenance is compliant, and the oil rig is safe for staff. They may also train new employees, assess rig operations, and problem-solve any issues that arise.


Mudlogger is an incredibly hands-on position collecting rock samples to describe and record. They’ll examine the samples with microscopes and thin-section analysis. The findings in the research will interpret the geology of a site and help the drilling engineers make quick decisions regarding how far and fast to drill.

Oil and Gas Accountant

These accountants work for the gas and oil production businesses. Their job duties include tracking expenses, budgets, and income. They can also help organize and prepare tax reports and balance sheets, assess tax calculations, handle all bookkeeping requirements, and perform other financial calculations.

Oil Field Worker

This position is entry-level on an oil rig. The oil field worker maintains and develops builds on oil rigs. They help keep the construction site safe by removing all hazards, such as unsecured piping and defective light bulbs. They can also assist with equipment and tool transportation.

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There are various jobs in the oil and gas industry. Any of the above positions can turn into a long-term career. Which will you consider?