31 Oct 5 of the Most Dangerous Oilfield Professions
Some jobs are more industries that are more dangerous than others, and the oil and gas industry is one of them. Many oilfield positions have risks, but a few of them are more hazardous than others. These are the five most dangerous oilfield professions.
Derrick Operators
This profession is also known as derrickmen or derrick hands. Derrick operators monitor the drill pipes. They’re in charge of supervising operations that involve extraction and insertion of the machine as it bores down into the drilling hole. The operators monitor any repair and maintenance of the equipment.
This profession constantly works with dangerous and heavy equipment that must be consistently managed correctly, or it could end with serious or even deadly injuries. You’ll work under extreme conditions, such as strong storms and high temperatures.
Oilfield Driver
Oilfield transportation staff put themselves in harm’s way more than most employees in the oil and gas industry. They work long hours, which yields incredible payoffs. Most people take this job because of the high rewards.
The FMCSA, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, exemplifies oil well drivers from their strict laws because their waiting time counts as “off duty.” Many can end up working incredibly long hours. The limited focus and concentration can put the drivers in danger.
This entry-level position doesn’t require complex knowledge, but roustabouts do need to perform challenging labor. They are the frontline of the oil and gas industry. They’ll work with hazardous machines and unpredictable equipment and face risks of injury daily.
Oil Rig Manager
The oil rig manager is the supervisor for the entire oil rig. They’re also known as toolpushers and overlook all positions. In addition to supervising the rig, they also cover many of the same tasks as drillers. They ensure all employees comply with the governmental and EPA regulations.
A driller, or rig operator, supervises the crew during oil extraction. A driller must troubleshoot any problems that arise during the process. Rig operators will train staff members on safety measures and how to correctly handle emergencies and problems. They’re also in charge of operating the drilling equipment.
There are risks with any profession in the oilfield. Many of them offer generous compensation to make up for the dangerous work conditions. One way to help ensure safety is with proper lighting. C-MOR Energy Services provides drilling rig lighting rentals. Utilize our services today.