23 Nov Oilfield Worker Tips for Staying Safe in Inclement Weather
When you work as an oilfield professional, there’s a diverse range of hazards you’re exposed to every day. However, some of the most dangerous have to do with weather conditions that seemingly come from nowhere. Regardless of how much planning we do and how far we try to look ahead, Mother Nature is often unpredictable. As such, it’s vital that you know what to do if you ever find yourself in a treacherous situation on the job. Here are some oilfield worker tips for staying safe in inclement weather.
Dress for the Temperature
First and foremost, it’s important that you always dress to accommodate the outdoor temperature. Though your body temperature will fluctuate depending on physical labor, it’s important to retain heat in the winter and release it in the summer. This means dressing in layers when the temperatures fall and opting for lighter garments when it’s hot. Those working after dark on the oilfields will also need to account for the cold, even in the middle of summer. It’s also crucial that you wear your standard PPE no matter what the climate is like.
Know When To Take Shelter
It’s also important for you to know how to identify when to take shelter. Whether it’s the sound of distant sirens or ever-darkening skies, understanding these indicators and seeking shelter immediately is the key to keeping safe. Oil and gas companies tend to have their own standards for initiating an emergency evacuation as well. So make sure you familiarize yourself with these regulations to best identify them on the job.
Follow Company Emergency Procedures
Likewise, make sure that you’re following emergency protocols for the evacuation process itself. Every oilfield company has their own set of rules when it comes to safely exiting a work zone in preparation for severe weather. Simply stay calm and file into the nearest shelter until the storm passes. Maintaining this order is essential to preventing additional accidents as you move throughout the fields.
Maintain Sufficient Lighting
The most important oilfield worker tip for staying safe in inclement weather of all, though, is to maintain enough lighting on the jobsite. Even if you’re going indoors to wait out a storm, it’s vital that you have enough light to see where you’re going. Oilfields are at their most dangerous when you can’t see where you step. Therefore, acquiring durable towers that can withstand the harsh winds, rain, and snow is the best way to make these situations a bit safer.
At C-MOR Energy Services, we’ve dedicated ourselves to making oilfields across the globe a safer place to work. Our oilfield light towers boast a rugged and sturdy design, making them resistant to even harsh environmental conditions. They also provide a steady stream of light for over 150 yards in all directions to maximize visibility. Contact us today to make your jobsite a safer place!