15 Feb The Advantages of Mobile Tower Lights
Reliable lighting is an absolute must on oil fields. Without it, workers become more likely to trip and otherwise sustain injuries because they can’t see well around them. There are various forms of lights you can obtain for your job site, though. We’ll discuss the advantages of mobile tower lights, in particular, to show you why you might choose them over other options.
Simple Setup
One of the main advantages of mobile tower lights is that they’re simple to set up. This is due to the fact that they have a moving base with wheels and foldable arms. With these traits, they fold up for easy transport to whatever location that you need them in. Once they arrive, it doesn’t take much to adjust the tower lights so that they illuminate your area well. Unlike alternatives, there’s no complicated assembly required. This makes them perfect when you’re pressed for time.
Independent Power Source
Mobile tower lights also run on independent power sources. In other words, they include a generator. This makes them more versatile since you can set them in a wide range of sections on the oil field without being restricted by the positions of outside generators that they’re connected to. You also don’t need to get extra generators to support the lights’ functioning in the first place. Moreover, mobile lights such as C-MOR’s Patented Mobile Tower of Light System don’t consume a great deal of energy. So, they’ll last a long time without a need for refueling.
Customizable Design
The same tough wheels and movable light arms that make mobile lighting towers easy to set up also help to optimize their illumination potential. You can place them in strategic spots where they’re needed the most without trouble due to the wheels. After this, you can move the light’s articulated joints to a specific angle that then maximizes their light spread. Our Mobile Tower of Light systems can extend anywhere from 40 to 125 feet above the ground, giving you unrivaled flexibility.
Whether you have unique position-related needs on your job site or want to save time where you can, contact C-MOR Energy Services to rent mobile tower lights today.